One of the challenges in developing complete IoT solutions is the time it takes before you have real live relevant data from a large number of deployed IoT devices. As developing the IoT device ‘the Thing’ often has the longest lead time (12-18 months before full deployment) it can be difficult to develop the rest of the solution (data models, connectivity, data handling, data processing, storage, analytics, machine learning, web and mobile applications, integrations, operations and deployment) so that everything is ready at the same time. Thankfully, there is a way to address this – it is called IoT Data Model Simulation. These 5 blogs walks you through the process and shows how the Triotos simulation tools will jump-start your IoT solution.
To learn more about using simulators as part of your IoT solution development – contact us for a live demo of simulating your IoT device data model on the Triotos AWS based IoT platform.